It's extremely rare that I do a character spotlight before the release of that character's book. Particularly so in this case because, well, Bonnie hasn't had a very big role since
Super, has she? Surely the more logical choice would be Naomi, as her book is the one I'm currently editing up for the betas. Bonnie's role in
Siren will be extensive, however, and I find my thoughts returning more and more to her arc as I begin the outlines for
Bulletproof and her as of yet unnamed novella. 'Ware spoilers, as I'm going to stay vague but don't have any bigger respect for my own spoilers as I do spoilers for other works.
One of the biggest problems I have as a writer is that, as I try to stay subtle, I overshoot and then have betas constantly telling me on first drafts that they aren't sure what's going on. I'm working on the balance. In the meantime, Bonnie is probably the most dynamic character of the series, making the biggest transition from damaged and nearly feral youth into a graceful young hero. That the majority of this has happened behind the scenes...Jesus, I hope I land this bird. So here we go:
Bonnie, Ophelia, and Marcus: Bonnie worships Ophelia and Marcus. Her blood family was cruel to her, her first experience with her own powers was Evelyn abusing her...she's got issues. But the slightest kindness shown to her from Ophelia and Marcus, and she snaps right around into a shining pupil. This is one of Bonnie's greatest strengths. She wears her damage, but her inherent goodness turns to gold when given the tiniest window. (This is my favorite vein to mine as a writer. I unabashedly love a hero. I love to watch someone rising up.) However, Marcus and Ophelia did
so much for her on a material, spiritual, mental, and emotional level that she cannot ever feel equal enough to them to challenge them on the pedestals she has given them. She cannot grow until she recognizes her parents as flawed and still worthy of her regard based on their strengths (and maybe also their flaws).
Bonnie and J: And then we have Bonnie and J. I freely admit that this is among my favorite relationships of the series. J needs someone to pull her back (and I adore that the twenty year-old is the one who does that), while Bonnie needs someone with whom she can have fun as an
equal. Marcus, Ophelia, and even Naomi (as the stepmother she doesn't particularly like) are her parental figures. J is her first genuine friend as an equal. After the events of
Super, J is also in pretty dire need of a friend she can lean on, even if she does like to play the role of the superior, naughty aunt now and then. Besides, the dialogue between them is
Bonnie and romance: Ophelia and Naomi are, of course, the major OTP of the series as an established couple long before the meat of
Super begins. Each book since then has contained a little taste of romance--just a taste, as I am far more interested in developing the women themselves as individuals than in romance as far as this series goes. So does Bonnie get a beau? Well, her book is the last of the series before the Thrilling Finale, and she's got some heavy lifting to do to set things up. I'm going to play coy on this one.